Oppo launched A3s in India, which is a smaller variant of A5 that was launched in china last week. Oppo A3s is the first smartphone in India comes with a 6.2 inch notch display in under price tag of Rs. 11000. It comes with 87.8% screen to body ratio, powered with latest Snapdragon 450 processor & a notch display. It also has a headphones jack in 2k18 & a dedicated microSD slot for extra storage. It comes only in one variant 2GB with 16GB, unlike the 4GB with 64GB in Oppo A5.
Here are the specifications regarding the smartphone :-
Display 6.2-inch
Processor Snap 450
Front Camera 8
Resolution 1080×2246 pixels
OS Android Oreo
Storage 16GB
Rear Camera 13+2
Battery Capacity 4230mAh
Oppo A3s comes with 6.2(inch) HD+ IPS LCD display and resolution size is 720×1520 with 271 PPI. The aspect ratio of the screen is 19:9 and 87.8% screen to body ratio which is almost bezel less screen design. The screen protected with 2.5D gorilla glass.
Oppo A3s integrated with the octacore Qualcomm Snapdragon 450 (1.8ghz) processor with Adreno 506 of GPU based on Arm Cortex- A53 with 2 of RAM and 16GB internal storage which can be expandable via microSD card.
Oppo A3s has a dual camera set-up on the back, the primary camera is of 13 megapixel and a 2 megapixel secondary camera with autofocus (AF) and a F2.2 & secondary F2.4 aperture. It has High Dynamic Range mode (HDR), Face detection,Geo tagging, Touch to focus, Panorama, Full HD Video Recording and 8 MP front camera with an aperture of F2.2.
Oppo A3s also have the all new facial recognition technology which is decent enough but not as fast as the another smartphone available in the market.
This smartphone running on Android 8.1 along side with no fully stock launcher experience with the custom ROM name colorOS 5.1 smooth multitasking with 2GB of RAM and not comes with so much blotware.
Here are the some more specifications of budget segment smartphones by Oppo.
The body of the smartphones are made from aluminum & glass and are not heavy at all. Oppo A3s weights 168 g. Also supports 4G LTE/3G/2G band.
It comes with 4230 mAh Li-ion battery which is quite enough for all day task. Asus says it can stand by up to 14 hours of Video playback and you can charge it with microUSB port( 5V añd 2A) output ( no fast charging).
It does have a microSD card slot, it means you can put your two SIM as well your microSD card for extra storage.
Sensors – Proximity Sensor, Ambient Light, Gyro sensor.
Bluetooth 4.2 and OTG support
Color – Red & Dark Purple
The price starts from Rs. 10990 in India. You can buy Oppo A3s from e-commerce sites Flipkart, Amazon & Paytm as well as offline stores in India.
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