Xiaomi has finally launched it's next Note series, "Redmi Note 9 Pro" in India. The smartphone comes with a great spec's like Snapdragon 720G, side mounted fingerprint sensor, quad rear cameras and more. Although this year, most of the country's is highly affected by COVID-19 virus and India is one of them, so basically the price may affect due to work at home in some regions. Key specifications :- Display 6.67-inch Processor Snap 720G Front Camera 48+8+5+2 MP Resolution 2400×1800 Pixels RAM ...
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Samsung Galaxy Note 8 launched
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As so many leak's of their upcoming smartphone Samsung unveils their flagships on yesterday in United States. We just say that the phone comes with a brilliant display and power packed performance. This is Samsung first dual camera smartphone, take a look at the specifications of Note 8 :-
6.3 inches super AMOLED Corning gorilla glass 5 display
12+12 Megapixel back with OIS & a 8 Megapixel front camera
Qualcomm snapdragon 835 processor/ exynos 8895
Android 7..1.1 (Nougat)
3300 mAh of battery
6 GB RAM and 64/128/256 storage
Wireless charging
Apart from some changes on feature or design it looks like the previous Samsung smartphone S8, S8+, the main highlights features of the Smartphone is their dual camera lens with a OIS which means you can take photos more clear pictures in low light condition. After the last year failure of their Note 7, Samsung cut down their battery percentage on smartphone.
Moving to the display it has 6.3 inches ( 521 ppi ) super AMOLED display with a minimum bezel of 18:9 ratio. Display colour are so bright as Samsung promise to their users. You can also use samsung pay for instant payment. According to their camera module and all good specifications Note 8 would be the best smartphone for 2k17.
Pre-booking started for Note 8 on 24.8.17 and available on some countries, no officially any launch date for India but the price will be for the variant of 6 GB/64 might be 60000/- INR
As you saw previously in this month, the leaked images of OPPO R13 and OPPO R13 Plus and it is rumoured that both this smartphone come in the time of March to April from beginning of the year. But now OPPO says, that the smartphones comes with the name of R13 and R13 Plus are not coming and both the smartphones are cancelled for some reason. As you know in the previous year at the time of June OPPO released their R11 and R11 Plus smartphones with the almost same specification but with the powerful hardware. In previous year, OPPO R11 and R11 Plus came with Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 and OPPO VooC flash charging. OPPO says that their R13 and R13 Plus smartphones come with new name and new designs. At that time OPPO R15 and R15 Plus smartphones have gone through the TEENA 3C certification and reported that it comes with the Snapdragon 660 chipset which was introduced through the OPPO R11 and R11 plus smartphones that released in June last year. It...
Xiaomi has finally launched it's next Note series, "Redmi Note 9 Pro" in India. The smartphone comes with a great spec's like Snapdragon 720G, side mounted fingerprint sensor, quad rear cameras and more. Although this year, most of the country's is highly affected by COVID-19 virus and India is one of them, so basically the price may affect due to work at home in some regions. Key specifications :- Display 6.67-inch Processor Snap 720G Front Camera 48+8+5+2 MP Resolution 2400×1800 Pixels RAM ...
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