Earlier before some days ago, Lenovo launched it's flagship smartphone K8 Note in Indian market, packed with some good specs at a mid-range segment. Today, we give some camera samples of K8 Note. Talking to the camera part it has a dual camera setup on the back and a single on front, both the camera capable of record full HD videos at 1080p. It has a 13+5 Megapixel back camera and a 13 Megapixel front with flash camera. K8 Note gives you manual or automatic both modes which you would like to use, the secondary back camera is used as a sensor to taking portrait and bookie shots. First, we show some camera shots taken by K8 Note:
This shots taken on the daylight condition at 1080p full HD resolution, it doesn't blury or shaky in daylight, colors contrast are well balanced. We are some others shots on daylight conditons. Lets take a look on the pictures...
These are some great shots of Lenovo K8 Note in daylight, but as we shots pictures on portrait mode the camera not didn't well as the other dual camera setup phone available in the market, the quality of images not as clear or crisp as compare to other smartphone.
These are some sample's of portrait shots taken by the K8 Note, you can see at the pictures are not as much blur the background. Our Team did not enjoy to taking shots on portrait mode as we says earlier. Overall the performance of the camera is quiet good in daylight and night condition. Thanks to Lenovo that gives you dual camera and a power packed phone at this price segment. We also have a night shots which we taken before a day on an outside ride.
At last, overall camera is average and phone is quiet heavy in hands when you first hold phone in your hands. Lenovo K8 Note is available on online e-commerce site
www.amazon.in at 12999/- INR.
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